Mobile Phone Addiction in Kids

Mobile Phone Addiction in Kids

Hello, I’m Dr. Pradeep Kumar, a Pediatrician at Gheeth Hospital, Kaliakkavilai in Kanyakumari. Today, I want to delve into a concern that resonates with many parents – the rising prevalence of mobile phone addiction in kids. It’s a question that’s becoming increasingly common in today’s digital age. Understanding the Roots of Mobile Phone Addiction: The…

Nebuliser Marthandam

Nebuliser Marthandam

Nebuliser Machine : Side effects? What is Nebulisation? Nebulisation makes the medicine into a fine gas like mist which will enter the lungs. Nebuliser is mainly used for asthma in kids and also when they have a severe breathing difficulty due to infections like cold or cough. It can help in relief of congestion and make…

Baby motion colour

Baby motion colour

Are you worried that your baby motion colour is different? Fear not, for we are here to help decipher it. BLACK When your baby is born, the first motion is coloured black. It is called meconium and helps to remove the waste that the baby swallowed when inside the mother’s womb. In 2-3 days, the…

Baby Vaccine Marthandam

Baby Vaccine Marthandam

Vaccine Marthandam: What You Need to Know about painless vaccines As a paediatrician, one of the most common concerns I hear from parents is about the pain and discomfort associated with vaccinations. However, painless vaccines are possible, and it’s important to ensure that your child receives them to help protect against serious illnesses. If you’re…